
Chaplain Andrew Hunt

Chaplain Andrew is our hub chaplain. He helps facilitate the Prayer Club every Monday. The Chaplaincy team is keen to deliver Lectio Divina and prayers based on the season, guided by Chaplain Andrew.

Mini Vinnies at St Hugh’s

At St Hugh’s we have a team of Keystage two children who help to make a difference in our school and for our local community.
They come together to form a part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. Mini Vinnies meet to pray, discuss and support however they can to help make a difference in their community.

Spontaneous Prayer boxes and Scripture Story Time

  KS2 children are eager to help EYFS and KS1 children learn about God through scripture. They volunteer their time to re-enact Bible stories for the EYFS children. The spontaneous prayer boxes, located in every classroom, support KS1 children’s religious literacy. KS2 children help by explaining the meaning and insights of the Bible stories being read. They also assist younger children in praying and writing their prayers or reflections in a scripture journal.

The Lord's Prayer

The Surah Fatiha Prayer