Our Mission Statement


Live like Jesus commanded us to do by spreading God’s Word, so that others may encounter God’s love. In this way we can make each other happy through selfless acts of kindness.


Love and unity for all people as we are all equal in the eyes of God, especially those in our school, communities and parishes through discipleship. This is so that we foster compassion, empathy, inclusivity and respect in our school.


Learn to listen, discern and understand one another in order to become missionary disciples. May our love of learning make us passionate to be able to make a difference. This will help us to use our skills to care for our common home and for the greater good of others.

Our school primarily aims to develop the whole child within a Christian community of prayer and worship inspired by Gospel values and Catholic tradition.

We have a distinct educational philosophy with the spirit of Christ permeating all aspects of school life, promoting care and consideration for everyone.

We look for opportunities across the curriculum to deepen our pupils wonder and delight in God’s creation and to celebrate that awareness in prayer, song and action.

We see ourselves as having a clear duty to develop the intellectual, physical and spiritual potential of our pupils in partnership with the home, school and parish.  The development of faith and faith knowledge are our foundation stones.  In this way we aim to create a living Catholic Christian community