Mental health and Wellbeing

At St.Hugh’s we recognise that each and every child is made perfectly in the image of God. We care for and prioritise not only children’s education but also the Spiritual, Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Wellbeing of our whole school community. We take a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health, aiming to help children become happy and    successful and to work in a pro-active way to avoid problems arising by learning coping strategies.

Developing crucial life skills such as resilience, confidence and self-esteem enhances children’s ability to make choices and enables them to engage with their learning through their school life and beyond in a positive manner.

St. Hugh’s strives to provide the children with opportunities to develop  further knowledge of how to care for themselves physically and mentally through the curriculum set and through additional opportunities to draw awareness to the importance of looking after ourselves and be proud of their achievements. This can be done through dedicated assemblies, workshops and curriculum time.

The appointment of a School Mental Health Lead, Schools Mental Health Team and Well-being Champions demonstrates our commitment and dedication to creating a happy holistic child.

We offer positive mental health and well-being through the curriculum and dedicated extra-curricular opportunities.  The knowledge and skills they require in order to become healthy and responsible citizens is taught through specific lessons in PSHE/RSHE or “Life to the Full”, in additions to our RE curriculum and in other subjects such as Science and PE.

The creation of a Mental Health Hub or Forest Room has been designed in order to cater for those who require additional help acquiring the skills needed to help make careful and informed choices. In addition to supporting the pupils in school St. Hugh’s actively works alongside the MHST who regularly provide drop in sessions and workshops for parents.

 5 Ways to Wellbeing from the NHS

General guidance and information regarding mental health.
Specific parent help line.
Resources and training for schools.
Young person’s crisis messenger service.

Offer online support for young people and families experiencing self-harm concerns, training for schools and consultancy for organisations.

Website offering resources and guidance on how to promote positive mental health in schools.

Website offering support for young people and their families experiencing an eating disorder.

Charity run organisation support children’s wellbeing.

Children’s mental health charity.

The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It has directed hundreds of thousands of people to life-changing and even life-saving support and it is now the UK’s go-to mental health support signposting tool, with thousands of local, regional and national support groups and services listed.


Family Action’s FamilyLine service has launched and is excited to be offering free support and guidance on all aspects of family life to parents and carers across England and Wales.

The FamilyLine service provides Helpline, Befriending and Counselling support via telephone, email and text message. The service is free and available 6pm – 10pm on weekdays and 10am – 1pm on weekends. Please contact us to learn more about the support we have to offer.

Call: 0808 802 0666
Text: 07537 404 282

Family Line Postcard

FamilyLine at a glance

• Open weekdays 6pm to 10pm
• Open weekends 10am to 1pm
• Free service available to parents and carers across England and Wales

FamilyLine provides emotional support and guidance on all
aspects of parenting.

Weekly telephone Befriending and Counselling support can also be available to parents and carers who are eligible.

Contact us
Telephone: 0808 802 0666
Text: 07537 404 282

Caring for a child or young person can often be difficult, especially without emotional support and guidance on hand during times of need. Many parents feel confused by what help is available and often struggle to access services close to home and at a time that suits them.

FamilyLine tackles these issues in a new and innovative way by using a network of volunteers from across the country to support parents through telephone calls, email and text messages.

The FamilyLine helpline is free and open weekdays from 6pm – 10pm and weekends 10am – 1pm. In addition to this, regular support can also be offered to eligible parents and carers through regular telephone sessions with Befrienders and Counsellors at a convenient time of day.

Family Line Leaflet