Charging Policy
The Education Reform Act 1988 has made significant changes in how the schools can charge for the cost of school activities. The schools are required to make it absolutely clear to parents that any activities which take place during school time cannot be “charged” for, subject to certain exceptions. The school can ask parents for voluntary contributions for any activity in or out of school time.
The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that additional activities can make towards pupil’s personal and social education. If activities are organised in school time, parents are invited to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost, however, if the School does not receive contributions to cover the majority of the cost of the activity, it may not be possible for the activity to take place – at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Charges are sometimes collected to cover the use of raw materials, i.e. clay or craft items if the finished product is taken home. It is helpful if all monies are sent in an envelope bearing the child’s name and stating the purpose for the money. It would be much appreciated if money for different purposes could be put in separate envelopes. This greatly helps the Secretary’s workload. Any application for the remission of charges is to be made to the Headteacher.