Religious Education

“Our school is centred on Gospel values, we encourage our pupils to use their skills and talents for the glory of God and we ensure that we take time to give thanks each day.”

Greg Hughes, Head teacher

We aim to offer the very best in religious education for your child. The school has adopted the ‘Come and See’ scheme of work. The scheme is based on the theological foundations of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Catechism and the revised RE Curriculum Directory.

At St Hugh’s we have a strong sense of community committed to the Christian values of love and respect for each other and aims to teach the children Gospel values, so that they become well rounded individuals with both social and academic skills to empower them for the future. This is celebrated through a regular program of Mass and Liturgy. Children are encouraged to take ownership of collective worship and contribute to planning and delivering prayer and reflection. In choosing St Hugh’s Catholic Primary Voluntary Academy, you will therefore make a commitment to work closely with the school and Parish, in the formation of faith.


First of all, encounter: I would like to ensure that people of all ages in our parishes, schools, and chaplaincies are helped to discover, or discover more deeply, the importance of a personal encounter with Christ; so that they can become convinced that they are each loved by God and are invited to grow in their relationship with him. In particular I would like to see the development of times of Eucharistic Adoration in our parishes, schools and chaplaincies.


Secondly, discipleship: because of that personal encounter with Christ, I would like to encourage each of us to hear and respond to his invitation to be his disciples, to follow him more closely, and to seek to serve him generously in our daily lives.

Thirdly, Missionary Discipleship: that, with a greater recognition of, and openness to, the help, guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we can all become missionary disciples; faith-filled, joyful and outward-looking Christians who are growing in confidence to speak humbly of the difference that knowing Christ makes to our lives, and who bear witness to His love in our service of our brothers and sisters, especially those most in need. The service to which Christ calls us is always the action of the Holy Spirit working in us.

‍– Bishop Patrick McKinney

For more information please follow the link below

At St Hugh’s children have been looking at the nine Catholic Social teaching principles using the CAFOD resources.

Each class has been given a principle to focus on during the academic year.

Catholic Social teaching is part of Catholic teaching that addresses matters of social, economic and ecological justice in the world. Our school encourages children to think of how we can be a follower of Christ by putting our faith into action and thinking about how we can show discipleship to our local and global communities.

Some examples of faith in action from KS1. The Red Apples Class collected food donations for our school food bank. The Green Apples Class took their toys to the local charity shop. Mrs Pallister’s Year 1 and 2 children posted cards with positive affirmations and Mrs Rutherford’s Year 2 children and their parents took part in a litter pick.

For more information about CAFOD Catholic social teaching resources please follow this link:

Well done to the Year 3 and 4 children, helping us to prepare for Holy Week, with their performance of “Good News” Thank you to all the children and teachers for their hard work.

“Virtues to Live By” has allowed the classes to explore each virtue over a three week period in order to improve the school community’s virtue literacy and to deepen understanding and appreciation of the essential role the virtues play in the education of the whole person towards human flourishing. The virtues chosen are common across cultures and faiths, but are sourced from the Christian tradition. The programme has been created by the Diocese of Leeds. At St Hugh’s Children are introduced to a new virtue in Key stage assemblies. The teachers encourage children to live out these virtues. The ‘Heart That Sees award’ is given to a child who has displayed great virtuous acts that week, a child from each class in the award assembly every Friday.
For more information please visit

At St Hugh’s children are awarded each week for being living examples of Christ. In each class, the children have the opportunity to vote for their class member who has acted kindly or given their time generously to another to be awarded the ‘Heart That Sees’ Award.  Pope Francis taught  in his Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate 2018 that  ” Jesus ‘wants us to be saints’ …  We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by …. Jesus promises that those who are pure in heart “will see God”.