
Phonic and Reading schemes

Support For Parents

In Key Stage 1 and lower Key Stage 2 the Ruth Miskin phonics and Reading scheme is used. It is a carefully constructed teaching programme, alongside carefully matched resources and books, providing a lively, structured, and above all, rigorous approach to the teaching of phonics – and literacy as a whole.

Phonics And Reading At St Hugh

To teach phonics, we use Read Write Inc. We place a strong focus on the teaching of the basic skills necessary for all of our children to be confident and independent learners but wherever possible we also make cross curricular links with other subjects and topics in order that teaching and learning is relevant and meaningful.

In Key Stage 2 pupils progress to a combination of Oxford Reading Tree. In addition, pupils are encouraged to also supplement their independent reading with a variety of genres. Pupils are rewarded for their commitment to reading and expanding their vocabulary throughout the school.

At Saint Hugh’s we believe that all pupils should be encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their writing, in part by developing a good, joined, handwriting style by the time they move to secondary school. Children in Year Two begin exploring and using a cursive and joined up approach.

Handwriting practice begins in Reception through mark making and development of fine motor skills and continues throughout the year groups to Year Six following the Nelson Handwriting scheme. This programme helps the children to develop a confident, legible and personal handwriting style.

Handwriting Progression