Year 6

Welcome to Year 6: Miss Blood’s Class

  • In Year 6 your child should be reading for approximately 25 – 30 minutes per night.
  • Encourage your child to establish a routine for reading.  Modelling your own enjoyment of reading for pleasure also has an impact.
  • Reading material needs to be varied – fiction and non-fiction.
  • Your child may read books from home or the library, or books may be borrowed from the class book corner.
  • Your child may be provided with a reading book from the school reading scheme.
  • Please sign your child’s Reading Record Book when they have read and return to school every Monday.
  • When 5 signatures have been achieved, your child will receive a star and a raffle ticket that is entered into the termly prize draw. As they continue to read they will earn Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.

This Week’s Spellings:

16.9.2024 Able, Ably Y6

Spellings we’ve done (still good to practice again):

9.9.2024 Cious Y6