Year 3
This Week’s Spellings:
15.1.2025 Digraph Ey Ei Eigh Y3
Spellings we’ve done (still good to practice again):
Reading at Home
- In Year 3 your child should be reading for approximately 10 – 15 minutes per night.
- Encourage your child to establish a routine for reading. Modelling your own enjoyment of reading for pleasure also has an impact.
- Reading material needs to be varied – fiction and non-fiction.
- Your child may read books from home or the library, or books may be borrowed from the class book corner.
- Your child may be provided with a reading book from the school reading scheme.
- Please sign your child’s Reading Record Book when they have read and return to school every Monday.
- When 5 signatures have been achieved, your child will receive a star and a raffle ticket that is entered into the termly prize draw. As they continue to read they will earn Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.
Reading – 10 – 15 minutes per night.
Reading material needs to be varied – fiction and non-fiction.
Your child may read books from home, the Public library, or books may be borrowed from School.
Please ensure that the reading record is completed each night and returned every Monday.
Reward system – The reward system we use is summarised below:
5 signatures | = | 1 star | = | 1 raffle ticket |
75 signatures | = | 15 stars | = | Bronze award |
100 signatures | = | 20 stars | = | Silver award |
150 signatures | = | 30 stars | = | Gold award |
** For every star your child earns, they will be awarded a raffle ticket. We then have a prize draw every term. Winning children have the opportunity to choose a new reading book to keep!
Maths – will be sent home once a week.
Activities will be given out on Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday.
These activities will consolidate work/strategies completed in class, and revise and reinforce learning. Children may also be set online work on the My Maths platform. They are able to access this resource at any time using their log-on and should be encouraged to play the different games and activities available, even if specific homework has not been set.
In addition to these activities, multiplication tables must be learnt independently – specific tables will not be set to learn, but will be tested regularly. Please help your child to learn these, working through them as follows;
1, 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9, 11, 12
Please encourage your child to use Times Tables Rock Stars. The log-in details can be found in their Maths Homework folder.
Spellings will be sent home once a week – on a Tuesday and will be tested on the following Tuesday.
It is very important for spellings to be learnt and revised before the test. In order for your child to progress and become an ‘independent speller’ spellings should be learnt and revised regularly.
You may find it useful to use the look, cover write, check method with your child: (ie. Look at the spelling, cover it up, write the spelling, check if correct).
Please encourage your child to make use of Spellodrome; log-in details have been stuck into the Home Reading Record. Weekly spellings can also be found on the school website in your child’s class page.
Additional English, and other curriculum activities, may be sent home to support teaching and learning – this will not be set regularly, but as and when required.
Please ensure your child has their full P.E. kit in school at all times and EVERY ITEM IS CLEARLY LABELLED. It is very difficult to identify owners of items that are not named.
P.E is on the following days:
Wednesday – Outdoor P.E. (shorts, T-shirt + trainers, & dark/navy tracksuit for when the weather gets colder)
Friday– Indoor P.E. (shorts, T-shirt, plimsolls)
Personal pencil cases are permitted but are not essential as we provide children with basic equipment.
Uniform – Please ensure that all items of school uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
And finally …. Please feel free to come and see us if you wish to ask any questions or have any concerns.
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