Year 3/4
- In Year 3/4 your child should be reading for approximately 15 – 20 minutes per night.
- Encourage your child to establish a routine for reading. Modelling your own enjoyment of reading for pleasure also has an impact.
- Reading material needs to be varied – fiction and non-fiction.
- Your child may read books from home or the library, or books may be borrowed from the class book corner.
- Your child may be provided with a reading book from the school reading scheme.
- Please sign your child’s Reading Record Book when they have read and return to school every Monday.
- When 5 signatures have been achieved, your child will receive a star and a raffle ticket that is entered into the termly prize draw. As they continue to read they will earn Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.
Autumn Term 2:
Autumn Term 1:
Most people read words more accurately than they spell them. The younger pupils are, the truer this is.
The word-lists for years 3 and 4 and years 5 and 6 are statutory. The lists are a mixture of words pupils frequently use in their writing and those which they often misspell. Some of the listed words may be thought of as quite challenging, but the 100 words in each list can easily be taught within the four years of key stage 2 alongside other words that teachers consider appropriate.
Homework – details for homework arrangements are as follows:
If possible please try to do 20-30 mins. reading per night with your child.
Reading material at home should preferably be varied and may include fiction and non-fiction books as well as magazines, newspapers etc. The Library computer system allows your child to take out books from the reading scheme and/or other books and scan them to their own personal file, it will also automatically alert teachers if a book is not returned. Ideally your child’s book should be changed every one or two weeks (your child will be able to take out a new book when previously borrowed books are returned). Please note that any books issued from school are designed to supplement your child’s own reading and as such home reading of own books is strongly encouraged.
Your child will be given a reading record book to keep track of his/her reading progress alongside the computer system. Please record the date, title and page number reached and sign to let us know how much reading has been taken place. Children will receive rewards for regular reading at home—please ensure that book bags are in school every day.
Homework will usually be sent home once a week on a Thursday. Activities will usually be given out on Thursday and must be returned by the following Thursday. These activities will consolidate work/strategies completed in class, and will help to revise and reinforce learning. In addition to these activities, multiplication tables must be learnt independently and will be assessed on a regular basis. Please help your child to learn these, working through them as follows; 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 9, 7, 12. If you require any advice on strategies used to help teach the various times tables, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please also see the time-tables guidance letter in your child’s maths homework folder.
Spellings will be sent home once a week. Spelling activities will usually be given on Thursdays; spellings must be learnt and any additional activities completed and returned by the following Thursday. It is very important for spellings to be learnt and revised before the assessment on Thursday. In order for your child to progress and become an ‘independent speller’, spellings should be learnt and revised regularly over the course of the week (as opposed to last minute revision!). You may find it useful to use the look, cover write, check method with your child (ie. Look at the spelling, cover it up, write the spelling, check if correct).
We also use ‘Spellodrome’ for your children to play games online to support their spelling work—your child should have login details in their reading record book.
Additional English, and other curriculum activities, may be sent home to support teaching and learning. This will be set as and when required, but will be no more than two additional pieces in any one week.
Please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on PE days
P.E is on the following days for the Autumn term: Wednesday & Thursday
You will be notified if these days need to change.