Year 1 / 2
Here is some useful information about our class. If you have any further questions please send me a message via Dojos and I will be happy to help.
Homework and reading will be sent out next week.
Class Teacher: Mrs Pallister
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hughes, Mrs Smith and Mrs Paterson
Reading At Home
Your child is learning to read with Read Write Inc. Phonics.
Your child will receive their reading homework every Thursday. This homework will contain 2 items:
1. A black and white version of the story they have been reading in class.
2. A book bag book with is closely matched
to the level they are working at in class.
Please ensure all books are returned to school every Thursday so staff can change the books ready to send out on Friday. (We have lost lots of reading books in the past, due to late returns.)
Lending Library
I will be placing a red box outside the classroom. Your child is welcome to choose a book from the lending library. These books are to be read by their adult. Just return your book to swap it for a new one the next day.
Maths Homework
In school we follow the White Rose Maths Scheme. We would like to recommend downloading the Maths a minute App as a perfect way to support your child in early Maths.
Every week a piece of home work will be sent home in your child’s blue homework folder. It will be given out on Friday. Wherever possible the homework will closely support the work covered in class that week. Please photograph the completed work an upload it onto the class dojos for use to see. Completed sheets can be kept at home.
Also we have a Maths website called ‘’ that your child can access for practice Maths tasks and questions. (Information on how to log is on the sticker attached to your child’s homework folder.)
P.E Days
Friday(Outdoor P.E) and Thursday (Indoor P.E) for this term only. (I will inform you of any changes to the dates for PE, this is due to a timetabling issue in the hall and additional support from PE providers)
Children need to come to school in their PE kits. This means that children can wear trainers/plimsolls the school P.E top and shorts or navy jogging bottoms for the whole day. The can then use their school sweatshirt or cardigan. Items, particularly jumpers and hoodies must be clearly labelled.
Safety notice:
Children with earrings must have them removed on this day (or covered in medical tape.)
Children should only have trainers with laces if they can tie them independently. We strongly recommend plimsolls or Velcro trainers to prevent trips and falls.
Please make sure that your uniform has your child’s name written in it. This is particularly important for jumpers and cardigans. Mr Hughes is keen to maintain high uniform standards. Therefore children can only wear stud earrings, no bracelets or jewellery (unless worn for religious reasons) no colourful hair accessories (only navy blue bobbles, clips, scrunchies, ties or ribbons)
Dear Parents
This is your child’s new reading record book. We would ask that you sign the reading record booklet every time you hear your child read. The ‘comments’ section is a perfect place to celebrate their hard work and record any ‘tricky words’ that they struggled to read. Sometimes you may receive flash cards instead of books. Please note a signature is required before we send out a new book otherwise we will assume that it hasn’t been read.
In year one we would encourage you to read with your child for around 10 minutes each night, even a couple of pages each day will be useful in building your child’s confidence and fluency.
We have included a laminated ‘speed sound’ sheet to complete at start of every home reading session. Please encourage your child to say the sound, not the letter name. This should only take a minute, the children find this enjoyable and you will be able to see if there are any particular letters that they struggle to recognise and may need extra help with.
We also suggest that books are re-read so that your child tackles any unfamiliar words with increased confidence the second time around. Please remind your child to use their pure sounds and encourage them to ‘Fred talk’ words eg. s-t-o-p ‘stop’.
Please ask your child questions about what they have read as reading for understanding is also important. Eg ‘What did Ben have to buy from the shop?’, or, ‘What do you think will happen next?’
Please note that we change home school reading books on Tuesdays and Thursdays, therefore if your child has finished a particular book you many still want to keep it to re-read until these specific book change days.
Many thanks for your support
Mrs Pallister (Class teacher)